Own less stuff. Do more good.

Professional Home Organizers serving Northern Utah County and South Salt Lake County

Feeling overwhelmed in your home?

You’re not alone.

As moms, it’s a lot to take care of all the people in our lives. Not to mention all the stuff that comes along with them –  toys, dishes, laundry, homework, sports, birthdays…

Sometimes it feels like we’re barely treading water. Over time, we can lose sight of what’s really important to us, what we’re passionate about, and certainly what we can give back.

overwhelming cluttered mudroom


home organizers can help organize your mudroom in saratoga springs utah


Let us help you create a home that is easy to take care of.

What if there was someone who could look at your home with fresh eyes and a new perspective?

Someone who could help you finally let go of all the extra stuff in your home that is causing so much clutter and extra stress?

Someone who could help you create space to breathe, relax, laugh, connect, play, create, and thrive?

Our professional home organizers can help you:

Declutter and Streamline
Create Functional Systems
Save You Time
Reduce Stress
Customize Solutions
Maintain Long Term

Crystal Ellis Simplify With Purpose Professional Organizer serving Lehi Utah

Hi, I’m Crystal

As a mom of six kids, I know how quickly our homes can become filled with all kinds of unnecessary stuff and the time sucker it is to try and keep up with it all.

I also know how to stop that cycle and discover the freedom of owning less.

That is why I founded Simplify With Purpose. I want to help you transform your home into the welcoming, cozy, and relaxing place you envisioned. A home that is easy to take care of.

Because life isn’t about managing stuff. It’s about relationships and becoming who you are meant to be.

Professionally trained by Organizer.Club and Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist

Becker Method Certified by Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist

“The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.”

Marie Kondo

Are you ready to simplify with purpose?

Our happy clients!

“I can’t begin to describe how much Crystal and her assistants have changed my life… Instead of being stressed by the piles everywhere, I feel like we can finally enjoy being at home now and that is priceless. I recommend her to everyone!”

Karina F.

“Crystal was amazing! So helpful and had ideas I hadn’t ever thought of before. She had the vision I lacked, was super responsive and followed up after the project was done to help me with any further questions now that I had settled into the space. Highly recommend!”

Tricia J.

“Working with Crystal was such a positive experience. I didn’t feel judged for my messy unorganized areas and she was great at helping me let go of things I’ve been holding on to for no reason… After decluttering with her I felt like a load had been lifted off my shoulders…”

Christy L.
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